Monday, February 14, 2011

Vegan Mushroom Chilaquile

So here's the thing about this recipe. It was an accident! I know as you can probably tell it doesn't look all that but trust me it is delicious. I was at my boyfriends house and he was eating egg chilacile and i was starving so he decided to make me something like it but vegan style. I am a complete control freak so i didn't want him to cook i wanted to know what i was eating but he insisted on cooking for me so here is what you will need: (For one serving)
  • 3 tortillas
  • chili sauce
  • mushroom (thinly sliced)
  • onion (diced)
  • vegetable oil
1) So once you have the tortillas you cut them into small squares.
2) Meanwhile you leave that aside and start with putting the vegetable oil in the pan and leave it tio heat for 30 seconds. Then you put diced onion and it wil start sizzling. Then you put the mushrooms in. Mushrooms don't need to be in there for long so you take them out once they are a brown or golden color.
3)You take them out and then start frying the tortillas until they are golden. Then you pour the chili sauce (preferably red) and then the ,ushrooms with onion.
4) by then its about down and well mixed you take it out and eat it. Trust me it is very good I love it <3

Monday, February 7, 2011

Vegan lunch on the Quick!

Has any of you ever craved fastfood? I know i have! Especially ,u favorite In'N'Out!
So on the weekend i was starving and i decided to make fries and with fries i wanted a good sandwich!
Heres what you'll need:
  • 3 potaoes
  • 2 slices of bread
  • red onion
  • tomatoe
  • ketchup
  • vegetable oil
  • lettuce
  • avocado
1. So first you cut the potatoes into slices. I like to keep them with the skin but you could take that out if you like.
2. Next you heat the vegetable oil and put in the potatoes pieces. Make sure to move them around. You remove them once they are golden brown. And you add salt. (sorry about the bad pictures there from my phone)

The Sandwich:
1. For the sandwich I prefer toasting it but you don't have too.
2. Instead of mayo I put ketchup on one bread and avocado on the other.
3. After you just put the lettuce, tomatoe, and onion.

Trust me this is one of my favorite lunches to eat its super quick and super tasty. I recommend everyone to try this!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Vegan Challenge on Oprah

I thought the whole episode was messed up and just wrong. I never watch oprah but when I heared she was talking about veganism i had to watch it! Here are some things i disliked:

  • Vegan-ish? Seriously there is no such thing! They really made the vegan movement look bad.. One can't be  "veganish" because veganism is a LIFESTYLE not just something you choose to do for that day or week! It is not a diet. 

  • They kep talking about being vegan for a few days. Which is not possible because you have to be vegan as a lifestyle. Like I said it is not a diet its a lifestyle choice.

  • I hated when they were showing how vegans can eat yummy and normal meals, and that they can shop at a supermarket they went to Whole Foods. And even worse they stuffed their cart with SO many fake meats. Vegans don't need to buy expensive' they don't need all that prosessed food, and they don't need to go to special supermarkets just to get fake meat!

  • I also hated that they didn't really talk about what terrible things go on in slaughter houses.The employee at the factory didn't even mention that bolting often fails and the animals suffer horrific pain. She lied. She also said killing animals is the "natural order of life". I don't know how anybody could think that anything that goes on in that factory is natural.  They even showed people just saying that animals feel no pain in slaughterhouses. Seriously are you going to believe that? Then Micheal Pollen says "We need to think about the animals" and 2 minutes later "I like meat, and I do eat it"

  • I also I didn't like that she called it a "radical" experiment. Why is it "radical" to abstain from eating confined, tortured, and slaughtered animals? Eating animals is radical. Not eating them is humane! 
THIS DID GRAVE HARM TO THE MOVEMENT, mainly for lies and misinformtion