Friday, January 28, 2011


 Everyday animals are being killed for food. And everyday people can be the change they want to see. Stop the cruelty and go vegan. Nobody should have to die for our food, and nobody should suffer for it either. The easiest thing to do is go vegan. Veganism is getting more and more easier by the day. From vegan pizza to vegan donuts being vegan is easy!
When i was a vegetarian i thought i was helping ALOT. Maybe i was but not as much as i should have. I still drank milk and ate eggs. Going vegan was the best thing ever. One of my biggest inspirations is Christofer Drew. I fell in love with him 3 years ago and i especially loved that he was vegetarian too. I love when artists are vegetarians or vegan it shows how caring they really are. Christofer Drew gained many fans throughout a few years and i think of that as a positive. Fans will see that he is vegetarian and hopefully take it into consideration and want to go vegan themselfs.

1 comment:

  1. great post! its April from the peta2 message board! im vegetarian but i still eat some things with dairy in them like yogurt, ice cream, cheese, etc. im gradually phasing out these items but its so hard for me to find alternatives because of where im living currently... im working on it though!
