Thursday, January 20, 2011

Everytime  a baby is born the first thing they recognize is their mothers.All they want to do is be with them. Children are inside their mothers womb for nine months and they get attached to them right away. A child learns how to say "mama" and all those cute things.

  • Cow mothers babysit their friends babys.
  • Penguins recognize the voice of their own baby.
  • Hens can talk to their baby chicks when their still in the egg.
  • Most mammals recognise their young ones by smell.
  • The baby chimpanzee clings tightly to its mother with its tiny hands as she moves and climbs. 
But theirs a horrible thing going around in the entertainment industry and food industry. Circus's seperate the baby elephants from their mothers. If you've seen the movie Dumbo you know the pain the baby elephants face. The elephant mothers cry for their babys and some even die from depression.

If you're a vegetarian you're still supporting animal cruelty. Calfs are raken from their mother shortly after birth. Boys are raised for veal and girls are used to milk just like their mothers. The mother cow cries for her baby the night for weeks.

The best way you could stop this kind of cruelty is by going vegan. Don't get me wrong i love all you vegetarians out their but there needs to be more effort put into it. Go vegan <3

If you need help you can always contact me. I help everyone. Being vegan will be the best thing you do for yourself,  the animals, and the environment.

Go Vegan.
Peace. Love & Tofu Grease <3

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