Thursday, January 13, 2011

Veganism goes Mainstream

Its no mystery why veganism is growing and becoming more mainstream. What with it being embraced by celebrities, the media, and even the business world, the vegan lifestyle has skyrocketed into popularity over the past year. We have alot of non-profit organizations spreading the word on veganism. Some even give out free brochures, flyers, and vegetarian starter kits for free all just to get more people into veganism.

Every individual no matter what you are a student, an adult, a kid, in high school, college, or with a job if you have a voice to speak out for animals: thank you. The animals thank you, your body thanks you, the environment thanks you, and I personaly thank you as well.

 As for me I am trying to make a stand for animals. I want this year to be all about veganism. I started a club at school called Vegg Club. I'm trying to make veganism big this year and my goal for the moment is to make it big at my school. I don't know any vegans and very few vegetarians but last friday Vegg Club had its first meeting and alot of people came. I want to gain vegan outreach at Huntington Park High School. I want there to be more knowledge on what truly goes on with factory farms and i want people to know what they are eating.

"The Washington Post published an article noting veganism’s rise in popularity, due to concerns over food safety, the environment, and personal health" everywere people are thinking over what they are eating. Don't give into what society wants you to believe. Think for yourself do you really want to be eating something that ones moved, something that once cried in pain. There needs to be more vegan options everywere, we are in a generation were people are learning not be so ignorant. We should have the right to eat healthy and more plant based (and trust me there is more veganoptiona available than you think! Delicious foods <3)

Now with many great vegan restraunts it has never been more easier to eat out. These are some of my favorites: Cruzer Pizza, Flore Vegan, Stuff I Eat, Shajin, and Madelein Bistro. I will try to go to these soon so I can give a review on them so stay tuned.

Veganism is so easy now. If you have any questions or concerns you can e-mail me

Peace. Love. & Tofu Grease <3

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